Sunday, October 11, 2015

laziness / lack of motivation. what's the difference?

As mentioned in my prior blog post, I'm in my final semester of school. I have an international business law midterm coming up on Tuesday, and I have no intention of studying for it until maybe Monday afternoon/night/Tuesday morning. I'm currently laying in bed/sipping on a cider thinking about how fucked I'm gonna be on Tuesday, but that's still not enough motivation for me to prevent my imminent doom. Anyway...approximately 3 minutes and 47 seconds ago I thought, "my oh my! what an excellent topic to gloss over in my next blog post!" So here it is. This little shindig is going to be about the drastic decline in motivation since I started college.

Because I'm too lazy to actually form articulate sentences to describe what I'm going through, I drew a graph instead (plus I like pretty pictures, so there's that).

Basically my motivation is at an all time low, and I'm just ready to be done with school so I can graduate. Honestly, I'm burned out. I need a break.

You got to admit. That's a pretty decent graph. At least it's accurate...unlike this:

Also.....where's the y-axis though? HMMMM????

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The final chapter.

Well, this is it.

I'm in my last semester of college, so I thought it would be particularly fitting to revive my blog and talk about my final days in the academic world. I started this blog during my freshman year because I was a narcissistic asshole who thought I could somehow become a popular blogger (or something childish like that. Idk what I was thinking..). It would be interesting to see the growth I've experienced since then...(if any...kidding, I definitely matured..just like a fine wine. So classy).

Anyway, this is just an introductory post since I'm too lazy to be reflective/introspective at 1:25am. We'll see if I can actually commit to this blog like I somewhat did almost 5 years ago.

Peace out, girl scouts.