Friday, September 2, 2011

WEEK #2! (I can't think of an exciting title)

What did I do this week? Oh yeah, that's right... EVERYTHING

I guess I can start with last Friday. At Baylor, we have this thing called "Late Night," which basically is a HUGEEE fair with all of the different extra curricular activities students can join. Honestly, I signed up for so many organizations, I didn't even know where to start. I got 2 free t-shirts, so life is awesome yo!

On Saturday, I was super studious. ALLITERATION FTW! (seriously, I did not plan that)

Sunday, I went to church, and once again, I enjoyed it so much. Never before have I felt so excited to go to church, and I feel like I've been getting closer to God not just by going to church, but also He's the only one I've been relying on, since I'm all alone in Texas! Anyway, I also went to a life group, and everyone was so friendly, it just blew my mind. I haven't felt accepted in a church for about 5 years, but I can say, that my whole life is changing....and it's only the second week of college!

Monday, or I like to say, Mundee, (and basically the whole rest of the week), I went to different student organizations. Need an example? Great! I'm glad you asked. :) I went to Black Students Association (or something along those lines) and it was incredibly awkward. NO WAIT! It was Tuesdee! Right after that club, I went to African Students Association (because they had free food!!) but I doubt I'll return to either of those groups. I felt like there was a lot of dysfunction, and that irked me a bit.

Wednesday, I took a FREE Zumba class!!

(If you haven't noticed, I'm a poor college kid, who basically THRIVES on freebies)

It was so much fun, and so hardcore and intense at the same time! Kudos to those who work out to Zumba. I also realized how uncoordinated I am..but hey! at least I didn't trip, sprain my ankle, or do something remotely embarrassing. That night, I also went to church aka Dwelling Place. It's basically a worship service for college students, and it was awesome feeling the Lord's presence as we were singing. (I'll probably put a link to one of the songs). After that, some of my friends and I went to the library to "study" aka talk for nearly 3 hours, and accomplishing... wait for it.. wait for it... NOTHING! It was so much fun though. I'm such a social butterfly. :)

Anyway, today is Thursday...err to be politically correct, it's actually Friday morning (it's 12:17AM as I type this right now) and on Thursday, I went to the Tradition Rally, basically a huge pep rally for freshmen, in preparation for our first football game against TCU...


Yeah that's right. If you're going to watch ESPN try to find me in the crowd. The odds of that are so low, but I'm a huge believer in fighting the odds!

Want to listen to a good song this week? Great I Am

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